How I Read More Books

Natasha Tynes
2 min readDec 2, 2022

Every year, I sign up for the Goodreads challenge in my attempt to read more books than the year before.

This year I committed to reading 50 books.

Credit: Christin Hume -Unsplash

If I don’t make it, no big deal, but I would most likely end up reading more books than the year before

Do you want to read along with me?

Here are some of the things that I do to devour as many books as I can:

  • Never leave the house without a book. I read all the time; when I’m waiting at the doctor’s office, on the train, while waiting in line at the DMV, or at my daughter’s softball practice. I leave my phone in my purse and stay away from the infinity pools of social media feeds.
  • I Listen to books. Yes, that counts. My Audible subscription is worth every penny. I listen to books when I walk the dog when I drive, and do house chores.
  • Invest in a Kindle. This is handy if you want to read at night and do not want to disturb your sleeping partner. It also comes in handy when you go camping!
  • Join a book club. It always helps when you have a deadline and accountability partners who discuss the book with you.
  • Include reading as part of your morning or night routine. When you have a designated time to read, it will become a daily habit.
  • Read more than one book at a time. I usually read non-fiction in the morning when I have my utmost energy level and read fiction at night to wind down.

Do you have any reading tips?

Let me know.

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Natasha Tynes

Writer. Journalist. Words in @washingtonpost , @ElleUK , @esquire . I write about: ✍🏼 Writing 📲 Creator economy 🌍 Mideast