Defying the odds in your 40's

Natasha Tynes
3 min readSep 29, 2022

I have recently done something I have never thought in my wildest dreams I could do.

I finished a one-hour “Dry” triathlon at my local gym. This consisted of a 2,000M row, 300 body weight repetitions, and a 5K run.

It’s mind-blowing that I, the overweight, out-of-shape, middle-aged, book nerd, suburban mom of three, could do that.

It was not a fluke, per se. I did train for it. I went to the gym at least three times a week and took the training seriously.

Why did I embark on this torture?

Because I wanted to teach myself extreme discipline. I wanted to do something I feared. I wanted to feel that uncomfortable feeling you get when you undergo a life transformation.

I told myself if I could do this and put my body and soul through this excruciating process, then I could do anything.

In addition to training my body, I trained my mind. I talked to my mind; I negotiated with it; I told it we could do it. That if we train, we will manage.

I instructed it to signal to my body not to give up when it wanted to. It was a mind-over-body experience, and it worked, defying the odds.

After I finished the race, I gained the empowering knowledge that I could do anything.



Natasha Tynes

Writer. Journalist. Words in @washingtonpost , @ElleUK , @esquire . I write about: ✍🏼 Writing 📲 Creator economy 🌍 Mideast